life drawing - November 2014
November 2014 - my interest in sculpture continues
looking at the sculptures by Tracey Emin at White Cube
went to the Transformed Visions exhibition at Tate Modern
and did quick sketches of the Giacometti sculpture
and made my own figure with elogated limbs
September 2014
its been fun to draw Moore sculptures at Tate Britain
and make collages based on them:
practising the profile
and a different type of painting
and so
arcylic on board - it was interesting to be painting from life after many weeks of working in pencil.
I enjoyed colour blocking and was pleased that the head is not too big and I have got a good impression of the hands and feet...... reflecting on it afterwards I realise I now need to to more work on the drapery.
I tried to paint the drapery realistically and then decided on a more stylized approach....
then I did a new sketch
and made some changes
....using interlocking blocks and dynamic shaps
working from photographs - March 2014
painting from photographs has some
use in working out form and blocks of colour but I think I would find it a bit boring to work from photographs all of the time.....
life drawing November 2013:
taking every opportunity to life draw
these two above were quick five minute poses
life drawing October 2013:
life drawing September 2013 - got the proportion right - but the hands are too small....which is what life drawing is all about really ......smooth tones by using pencil and a very rounded stomach.....
September 2013 Life Drawing
it is in the doing and not the outcome ..... in the process of drawing I hope to really look closely and work out form and space
sketching at South Bank
August 2013
on the 'beach'
watching the skateboarders
getting out with my sketchbook is going to help along with going to life
drawing sessions......
and life drawing ........
It was good to work with props and costumes and to be encouraged to think about narrative and composition and what we would like to take from the sessions rather than just drawing what was directly in front of us
The best life drawing class ever! ....really ..... this was a great exprience and I went with an open mind not really expecting to get anything tangible from it but knowing that drawing does help my practice overall....
and then making my way across central London afterwards I looked and thought 'What's that?'
so I got off the bus to have a closer look.......
its all very sculptural and somehow links in with the mask.......
but as yet I don't know how ......August 2013
after seeing this outdoor performance in Bermondsey Square I think masks may feature in my future work....... but as yes I do not know how or when......
so I got off the bus to have a closer look.......
its all very sculptural and somehow links in with the mask.......
after seeing this outdoor performance in Bermondsey Square I think masks may feature in my future work....... but as yes I do not know how or when......
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